Lady Yuan isn't just a famous model in Asia; she's about to become famous all over the world. Over 700,000 fans is an amazing number, and it shows how popular she is. That's why Lady Yuan always answers personally to any exciting requests for custom movies or messages: she has a special way of making people feel like they know her. Are you prepared to fall in love with her flawless skin and large breasts? How far would you go to see her body without clothes on? If you want to feel the chemistry that happens when you talk to her one-on-one, why not give her a try? If you want to explore the depths of your dreams with Lady Yuan out of curiosity, all you have to do is ask her to connect with you and captivate you. Find out what you really want, and don't be afraid to ask for it. Remember that you won't get what you ask for if you don't ask for it! Take your relationship with Lady Yuan to the next level right now on Swag Live.